What Could Have Been Love – Aerosmith

Publicado: fevereiro 5, 2013 por Tainara em Rock Internacional


What Could Have Been Love – Aerosmith


sol si DO sol si DO / I wake up and wonder

sol si DO DO RE la sol fa / How everything went wrong

DO si la sol mi la / Am I the one to blame?

sol si DO sol si DO / I gave up and left you

sol sol si DO RE la sol fa / For a nowhere-bound train

si DO si la sol mi la / Now that train has come and gone


DO RE DO RE DO MI RE / I close my eyes and see you

MI RE DO RE DO / Lying in my bed

la si DO RE RE DO DO la / And I still dream of that day



DO MI SOL SOL SOL / What could have been love

MI SOL SOL SOL FA FA / Should have been the only thing

MI MI RE RE DO MI / That was ever meant to be

DO RE MI DO RE MI / Didn’t know, couldn’t see

DO RE MI RE RE DO RE DO / What was right in front of me

DO MI SOL SOL SOL / And now that I’m alone

MI SOL SOL SOL SOL FA FA / All I have is emptiness

MI MI RE RE DO MI / That comes from being free

DO DO RE MI MI MI SOL DO DO / What could have been love will never be


sol si DO si DO / An old friend told me

sol sol si DO DO RE la sol fa / That you found somebody new

DO, DO si la sol mi la / Oh, you’re finally moving on

DO FA MI DO DO FA MI / You think that I’d be over you

RE DO RE MI RE DO / After all these years

DO, DO RE DO MI DO RE /  Yeah, but time has proved it wrong

DO RE MI SOL LA LA / ‘Cause I’m still holdin’ on



DO MI SOL SOL SOL / What could have been love

MI SOL SOL SOL FA FA / Should have been the only thing

MI MI RE RE DO MI / That was ever meant to be

DO RE MI DO RE MI / Didn’t know, couldn’t see

DO RE MI RE RE DO RE DO / What was right in front of me

DO MI SOL SOL SOL / And now that I’m alone

MI SOL SOL SOL SOL FA FA / All I have is emptiness

MI MI RE RE DO MI / That comes from being free

DO DO RE MI MI MI SOL DO DO / What could have been love will never be


Obs: As notas maiúsculas são agudas.


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